Friday, January 24, 2014

A Heart Full of Love

It is as I write out a card for his special day that I begin to think of the many memories we have made in the last 10 years.  I am so thankful.

I begin to feel it surging. 

It is in the thoughts of driving back and forth becoming friends,
of falling in love,
of adventures together
the awareness grows. 

It is in the thoughts of how blessed I am to have someone beside me who is not afraid to speak truth in love,
to push me toward growth,
to encourage me,
to point me once again toward Christ. 

It is in the thoughts of his character and the way he lives daily an example of Christ’s love that I become aware that my heart is so full of love.

A heart full of love.  When I stop to consider it, I wonder how I can bear it.
I think about it a minute and wonder if any of us were ever meant to bear a heart so full. 

What if hearts are made to fill to bursting so that we must share our love with others? 

I think of this and smile, letting my heart burst.

“May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you.”

Grace and peace be ours in abundance as the love for our dear ones grows.  May we find that it increases to overflowing, spilling out over everyone else we meet.  All because He first loved us.

Jessica :)

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