Friday, April 25, 2014

Freedom Calls

I wrote a poem in response to reading Isaiah 25 a few months back.  The joy and freedom seem especially appropriate to me for this Easter season.  

“The unassailable fortifications of your walls He will bring down, lay low and cast to the ground, even to the dust”  Isaiah 25:12  

I peek out from behind the citadel
In hopeful wonder, I hear His words:

“Let’s break down the walls!
Come to the feast!
(A place where the fear, the schedules, the life, the friendships
                are handed over to One who knows the way to thrive.)
Come eat! 
Come drink!
Come LIVE! 
Come enjoy! 
Come trust me with all things—the cares, the woes, the joys and sorrows, the dreams!”

Could there really be a place for me
At such a table, so full and inviting?
I hear Him now,
Freedom calls.

He says,
“Come out!”  

I pause and call,
“What if I can’t—
The locks, rusty and old. 
Will you…
Can you break me out like a maid trapped in a fairy tale?”

“Oh yes!”
He responds.
“The stones will roll at my command.”

“Then break away!
I want to sit with you at your table today!”
I say with longing delight.

A voice rumbles like thunder
The walls!
They fall down!

He is running toward me.
I am running toward Him.
We meet in His wide open arms.

He holds me close and whispers
Of the journey ahead
The way out through the rubble all around.

“Stay close!  Walk near! 
There will be nothing to fear
Though the way may be treacherous all ‘round.

In freedom, now walk!
Follow me, Dear.
You’ll know the way by My path of Light.
Ever closer you’ll shine because you are Mine.
A beacon to draw others near.

We’ll be a winsome, formidable pair
Speak to them of freedom and peace. 
Invite them to the feast.

It will be a lavish banquet—
A wedding celebration.
The guests once Lost in darkness, now Found in Light.
Those once Least, greeted joyously in places of Honor.”

“It sounds so marvelous.”
I muse.

We’ll tell the story of Love.

Then we’ll dance,
Him and me.
Evermore and evermore.


Grace and peace be ours in abundance as we allow Christ to cause the walls of pain and hurt and sin to fall down.  May we find Him holding us steady and with Him freedom that is full of love.  May we walk with Him sharing the story of Love He has written on our hearts.

Jessica :)

P.S.  The really fun photo is courtesy of my husband and his trip to Krakow, Poland.  It is a photo from his tour of Wawel Castle.

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